Fechar aviso AtençãoRecomendamos que atualize seu navegador.

O navegador que está sendo utilizado não é suportado para acessar nosso website. A utilização de uma versão suportada e mais atualizada do navegador auxilia na proteção de sua conta e melhora sua experiência em todo o website. Atualize a versão de seu navegador ou acesse nosso website através de um navegador suportado.

Termos de Privacidade

Por quê? As empresas financeiras escolhem como elas compartilham suas informações pessoais.

A Lei Federal oferece aos consumidores o direito de limitar alguns dos compartilhamentos, porém não todos.

A Lei Federal também nos obriga a informar-lhe como nós coletamos, compartilhamos e protegemos as suas informações pessoais.

Leia este aviso com atenção para entender o Termo de Privacidade.

O quê? Os tipos de informações pessoais que coletamos e compartilhamos dependem do produto ou serviço que você possui no banco. Estas informações podem incluir:

  • Número de Social Security
  • Renda
  • Saldo de Contas
  • Histórico de Pagamentos
  • Histórico de Crédito
  • Pontuação de Crédito
Como? Todas as empresas financeiras precisam compartilhar informações pessoais dos clientes para operarem diariamente seus negócios. Na seção abaixo, listamos as razões pelas quais as empresas financeiras podem compartilhar as informações pessoais de seus clientes; as razões que o Banco do Brasil Americas escolhe para compartilhar e se você pode limitar o compartilhamento destas informações.

Razões pelas quais podemos compartilhar suas informações pessoais O Banco do Brasil Americas compartilha? Você pode limitar este
Para nossos propósitos comerciais diários, tais como: Processar suas transações, manter a (s) sua (s) conta (s), responder a ordens judiciais e investigações legais ou relatar para agências de crédito Sim Não
Para nossos propósitos de marketing:
Para oferecer nossos produtos e serviços para você
Sim Não
Para marketing em conjunto com outras empresas financeiras Não Não compartilhamos
Para fins comerciais diários de nossas afiliadas:
Informações sobre suas transações e experiências
Sim Não
Para fins comerciais diários de nossas afiliadas:
Informações sobre sua credibilidade financeira
Sim Sim
Para nossas afiliadas enviarem ofertas para você Sim Sim
Para não afiliadas enviarem ofertas para você Não Não compartilhamos

Para limitar nosso compartilhamento

  • Envie o formulário abaixo


Caso seja um novo cliente, nós poderemos começar a compartilhar suas informações em 30 dias do envio deste aviso. Caso deixe de ser nosso cliente, continuaremos a compartilhar suas informações, conforme descrito no presente aviso.

Entretanto, você poderá entrar em contato conosco, a qualquer momento, para limitar nosso compartilhamento.

Ligue para +1- 855-377-2555

O que fazemos

Como o Banco do Brasil Americas protege minhas informações pessoais? Para proteger suas informações pessoais de acesso e uso não autorizados, nós usamos medidas de segurança, conforme a Lei Federal. Estas medidas incluem proteções de computador, arquivos e edifícios seguros. Nós também mantemos proteções físicas, eletrônicas e de procedimentos que cumprem com os padrões federais para proteger suas informações pessoais não públicas.
Como o Banco do Brasil Americas coleta minhas informações pessoais? Coletamos suas informações pessoais, por exemplo, quando você:

  • Abre uma conta
  • Solicita financiamento
  • Solicita empréstimo
  • Realiza transferência de fundos
  • Realiza depósitos ou saques em sua conta
  • Nós também coletamos suas informações pessoais de outras fontes, como agências de crédito, afiliadas ou outras empresas.

Por que não posso limitar todos os compartilhamentos? A Lei Federal lhe concede o direito de limitar apenas:

  • O compartilhamento com afiliadas para fins comerciais diários de informações sobre sua credibilidade financeira
  • Os afiliados de usar suas informações para enviarem ofertas para você
  • O compartilhamento para não afiliados enviarem ofertas para você

As Leis Estaduais e as empresas podem dar-lhe direitos adicionais para limitar o compartilhamento.
Veja abaixo mais informações sobre os seus direitos de acordo com a Lei Estadual.

O que acontece quando eu limito o compartilhamento de uma conta que possuo em conjunto com outra pessoa? Suas escolhas serão aplicadas a todos os titulares de sua conta.


Afiliados Empresas relacionadas por propriedade ou controle comum. As empresas podem ser financeiras e não financeiras.
Nossos afiliados incluem:

  • Empresas com nome do Banco do Brasil
Não Afiliados Empresas não relacionadas por propriedade ou controle comum. As empresas podem ser financeiras e não financeiras.

  • O Banco Do Brasil Americas não compartilha com não afiliados, para enviarem ofertas para você
Marketing em Conjunto Um contrato formal entre empresas financeiras não afiliadas, que juntas enviam ofertas de produtos ou serviços financeiros para você.

  • O Banco do Brasil Americas não faz marketing em conjunto.

Outras Informações Importantes

Para clientes do Alasca, Illinois, Maryland e Dakota do Norte.

Não compartilharemos informações pessoais com não afiliadas, seja para enviarem ofertas para você ou para marketing em conjunto, sem a sua autorização.

Para clientes na Califórnia.

Não compartilharemos informações pessoais com não afiliadas, seja para enviarem ofertas para você ou para marketing em conjunto, sem a sua autorização. Também limitaremos o nosso compartilhamento de informações pessoais com nossas afiliadas para cumprir com todas as Leis de Privacidade da Califórnia que se apliquem a nós.

Para clientes de Massachusetts, Mississippi e New Jersey.

Não compartilharemos informações pessoais de depósito ou relacionamentos com não afiliadas, seja para enviarem ofertas para você ou para marketing em conjunto, sem a sua autorização.

Para clientes em Vermont.

Não compartilharemos informações pessoais com não afiliadas para enviarem ofertas para você sem a sua autorização e não compartilharemos informações pessoais com afiliadas, para marketing em conjunto sobre a sua credibilidade financeira, sem a sua autorização.

LGPD Termo de Privacidade

Este Termo de Privacidade para usuários localizados no Brasil complementa as informações contidas na Política de Privacidade do BB Americas Bank e aplica-se exclusivamente a visitantes, usuários e outros residentes no Brasil (“consumidores” ou “você”). Nós adotamos este termo para cumprir com a Lei Brasileira de Proteção de Dados “Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais” (Lei nº 13.709/2018) (“LGPD”). Quaisquer termos definidos na LGPD têm o mesmo significado quando utilizados neste termo.

Em 18 de setembro de 2020, a Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (LGPD) entrou em vigor para residentes brasileiros. Além dos direitos descritos em nossa Política de Privacidade, como um usuário localizado no Brasil, você pode exercer os seguintes direitos em relação as suas informações pessoais que coletamos, de acordo com as seguintes limitações:

  • O direito à confirmação da existência do processamento. Você tem o direito de solicitar que nós confirmemos se processamos seus dados pessoais.
  • O direito de acesso aos dados. Você tem o direito de acessar os dados pessoais que nós mantemos sobre você e certas informações sobre como nós os usamos e com quem os compartilhamos, incluindo informações sobre quaisquer entidades públicas e privadas com as quais nós compartilhamos seus dados pessoais.
  • O direito de corrigir dados incompletos, imprecisos ou desatualizados. Se você deseja corrigir ou revisar quaisquer dados que nós mantemos sobre você, você pode fazê-lo acessando sua conta e as informações contidas nela.
  • O direito de anonimizar, bloquear ou deletar dados desnecessários ou excessivos ou dados que não estejam sendo processados ​​em conformidade com a LGPD. Observe que, dependendo da solicitação, esta pode resultar na suspensão ou descontinuação de determinados serviços e pode ser regido por diretrizes de retenção legais e/ou contratuais.
  • O direito à portabilidade dos dados para outro prestador de serviço ou produto, mediante pedido formal. Nós fornecemos a você a possibilidade de transferir quaisquer dados de sua conta para terceiros, a qualquer momento.
  • O direito de deletar os dados pessoais processados ​​com o consentimento do titular dos dados. Você tem o direito de solicitar-nos a exclusão permanente de seus dados, sujeito a certas exceções. No entanto, observe que o exercício deste direito pode resultar na suspensão ou descontinuação dos serviços e também pode ser regido por diretrizes de retenção legais e/ou contratuais.
  • O direito à informação sobre a possibilidade de não consentir e sobre as consequências da recusa. Você tem o direito de solicitar-nos informações sobre a possibilidade de não dar consentir com o processamento de seus dados pessoais e as consequências de tal recusa. (O consentimento não é necessário, o BB Americas não compartilha informações pessoais a não ser com sua afiliada (BB S.A. no Brasil).
  • O direito de revogar o consentimento.

Observe que nem todos estes direitos listados acima são absolutos e limitações/exceções aplicam-se em alguns casos. Por exemplo, pode ser que não possamos atender totalmente a sua solicitação se nós estivermos vinculados a certas restrições legais ou requisitos contratuais, porém nestas circunstâncias, nós ainda responderemos para notificá-lo de tal decisão.

Adicionalmente, o BB Americas Bank, sob o mandato da Lei de Privacidade dos EUA, não compartilha informações pessoais com ninguém que não seja a afiliada do banco (BB S.A. no Brasil). Com base nisso, o consentimento não é necessário sob a LGPD.

Exercendo o Direito a Portabilidade e Exclusão de Dados
Para exercer o direito a portabilidade e exclusão de dados descrito acima, envie uma solicitação de consumidor verificável para nós através do endereço de e-mail privacyinquiries@bbamericas.com

Nós precisaremos verificar sua identidade antes de processar sua solicitação. A solicitação de consumidor verificável deve:

  • Fornecer informações suficientes que permitam-nos verificar que você é a pessoa a qual nós coletamos informações pessoais ou um representante legal.
  • Descrever sua solicitação com detalhes suficientes que permitam-nos entender, avaliar e responder sua solicitação apropriadamente.

Nós não podemos responder a sua solicitação ou fornecer informações pessoais se nós não pudermos verificar sua identidade ou autoridade para fazer tal solicitação e confirmar que as informações pessoais referem-se a você. Fazer uma solicitação de consumidor verificável não exige que você crie uma conta conosco. Nós somente usaremos as informações pessoais fornecidas em uma solicitação de consumidor verificável para confirmar a identidade ou autoridade do solicitante para fazer a solicitação.

Tempo de resposta e formato
Nós nos esforçamos para responder a uma solicitação de consumidor verificável dentro de um período de 15 dias após o recebimento da solicitação, mas não mais de 30 dias. Se você tiver uma conta conosco, nós enviaremos a resposta por escrito para o e-mail registrado nesta conta. Caso você não tenha uma conta conosco, enviaremos nossa resposta por escrito por correio ou eletronicamente, de acordo com a sua opção. A resposta que nós forneceremos também explicará os motivos pelos quais não podemos atender a sua solicitação, caso aplicável. Para solicitações de portabilidade de dados, nós selecionaremos um formato para fornecer suas informações pessoais o qual seja prontamente utilizável ​​e que permita a você transmitir as informações de uma entidade para outra sem impedimentos.

Nós não cobramos uma taxa para processar ou responder a sua solicitação de consumidor verificável.

Caso você tenha fornecido dados ao BB Americas Bank referentes a um cliente seu, o qual é sujeito à LGPD, você é responsável por obter o devido consentimento deste cliente antes de compartilhar conosco as informações pessoais do cliente.

Alterações em Nosso Termo de Privacidade
Nós nos reservamos o direito de alterar este Termo de Privacidade a nosso critério e a qualquer momento.
Quando nós fizermos alterações neste Termo de Privacidade, nós notificaremos você através de e-mail ou por meio de um aviso em nosso website.

Informações de Contato
Caso você tenha dúvidas ou comentários sobre este Termo, nossa Política de Privacidade, as maneiras pelas quais coletamos e usamos suas informações pessoais, suas escolhas e direitos em relação a tal uso, ou deseja exercer seus direitos sob a Lei Brasileira, não hesite em entrar em contato conosco através do:

Site: https://www.bbamericas.com/br/
E-mail: privacyinquiries@bbamericas.com
Endereço: 1221 BRICKELL AVENUE, SUITE 2200
MIAMI, FL 33131

Política de Cookies

Esta política informa como os cookies são usados ​​neste website e em outros websites conectados e disponibilizados pelo BB Americas Bank. Esta política pode ser alterada ou atualizada de tempos em tempos para refletir mudanças em nossas práticas ou mudanças na lei relacionada a esta política. Recomendamos que você leia esta política com atenção e verifique regularmente esta página para revisar quaisquer alterações que possam ter sido realizadas. Ao utilizar este website, você concorda com o uso de cookies do BB Americas Bank em seus dispositivos de acordo com os termos desta política. Se você não deseja aceitar cookies deste website, desative os cookies ou evite usar este website.

  1. O que são cookies?
    Um cookie é um pequeno arquivo de informações somente de texto que é enviado ou transferido para seu dispositivo (como seu computador, smartphone ou outro dispositivo habilitado para web) quando você acessa um website. Os cookies permitem que o website reconheça seu dispositivo quando você o revisita. Lembra também certas informações sobre sua visita anterior, como quais páginas você visitou, as escolhas feitas nos menus, informações específicas inserida em formulários, além da hora e data da sua visita. Entre outras funções, os cookies nos ajudam a avaliar quais partes de nossos websites são úteis e quais precisam ser aprimoradas.
  2. Que tipos de cookies usamos em nossos websites?
    Os principais tipos de cookies que usamos em nossos websites são:

    • Cookies estritamente necessários: Permitem a operação técnica de nossos websites ou aplicativos (por exemplo, cookies que permitem navegar em um website ou aplicativo e usar suas funcionalidades). Alguns podem também aumentar a usabilidade de nossos websites ou aplicativos, lembrando suas prévias escolhas. Você pode desativar alguns ou todos os cookies necessários ajustando as configurações do seu navegador. No entanto, caso opte pela desativação, algumas funcionalidades poderão não operar corretamente ou nossos websites e aplicativos poderão não funcionar.
    • Cookies de desempenho: Ajudam-nos a melhorar o desempenho e a usabilidade de nossos websites e aplicativos. Caso opte pela desativação destes cookies, o desempenho de nossos websites e aplicativos poderão apresentar-se abaixo do ideal.
    • Cookies analíticos: Ajudam-nos a entender o nosso público de maneira mais clara possível, além de garantir que a informação fornecida a você seja o mais relevante possível de acordo com seus interesses e preferências.
    • Cookies de marketing: Ajudam-nos a avaliar a eficácia de nossas campanhas de marketing ou identificar o público alvo para o marketing. Estes cookies podem coletar dados pessoais, como seu nome, bem como informações sobre como você interage com nossos websites, aplicativos ou materiais de marketing
  3. Cookies e Dados Pessoais
    Alguns de nossos cookies podem coletar e armazenar seus dados pessoais, como seu nome, endereço de e-mail ou endereço IP. Nós somos comprometidos com o respeito e proteção de sua privacidade e garantiremos que os dados pessoais que coletamos sejam mantidos de acordo com nossa Política de Privacidade. Para mais detalhes sobre como processamos dados pessoais, consulte a Política de Privacidade da LGPD.
  4. Seus direitos de desativar ou recusar cookies neste website
    A maioria dos navegadores está inicialmente configurada para aceitar cookies. No entanto, você normalmente tem a opção de desativar os cookies, caso deseje, alterando as configurações do software do seu navegador de Internet. Existem alguns recursos disponíveis para você gerenciar o uso de cookies. Por exemplo, a seção ‘Ajuda’ em seu navegador pode ajudá-lo. Você também pode desativar ou excluir os dados armazenados usados ​​por tecnologia semelhante a cookies, tais como Local Shared Objects ou Flash cookies, gerenciando as ‘configurações adicionais’ do seu navegador ou visitando o website do provedor do navegador.

Termos e Condições do Site


Este website foi criado pelo BB Americas Bank com o único objetivo de transmitir informações sobre os produtos e serviços do BB Americas Bank e para permitir a comunicação entre o BB Americas Bank e seus clientes e visitantes do website. As informações que são exibidas neste website devem ser consideradas como anúncios. Nada que seja exibido neste website se sobrepõe aos Acordos e Divulgações que regem os produtos e serviços do BB Americas Bank. Caso qualquer informação neste website entre em conflito com os Acordos e Divulgações do BB Americas Bank, os Acordos e Divulgações terão precedência.

O BB Americas Bank pode, a qualquer hora, colocar links para outros websites e você assume todas as responsabilidades quando você os acessa através dos links da nossa página. O BB Americas Bank não tem controle sobre nenhum outro website e não é responsável pelo conteúdo em qualquer outro website além deste.

As informações e materiais contidos neste website são de propriedade do BB Americas Bank ou por outros, se aplicáveis. Nenhum material pode ser copiado, exibido, transmitido, distribuído, enquadrado, vendido, armazenado para uso, baixado por meio de download ou de qualquer outra maneira reproduzido, exceto se permitido por lei.

O BB Americas Bank não faz nenhuma garantia de nenhum tipo em relação aos produtos e serviços anunciados neste website. BB Americas Bank usará todos seus esforços para garantir que todas as informações exibidas são precisas; porém, o BB Americas Bank expressamente recusa qualquer representação e garantia, seja ela expressa ou implícita, incluindo, sem limitação, garantias de comercialização, que servem para um propósito específico, adequação e capacidade de utilização deste website sem contrair um vírus de computador. O BB Americas Bank não é responsável por nenhuma perda, dano, despesa ou penalidade (seja ela contratual ou não), inclusive danos diretos ou indiretos, por consequência ou acidentalmente, do uso e acesso deste website.

Esta limitação inclui, mas não está limitada a omissão de informação, a falha de equipamento que pode atrasar ou incapacitar o recebimento ou transmissão de informações, o atraso ou incapacitação de impressão de informações, a transmissão de qualquer vírus de computador ou a transmissão de qualquer outros códigos ou processos de desativação maliciosos. Esta limitação se aplica mesmo que o BB Americas Bank tenha sido informado da possibilidade de tal perda ou dano.

Este acordo pode ser alterado de tempos em tempos e suas alterações estarão disponíveis no website. Todos os clientes e visitantes desde website concordam que estão sujeitos à este acordo, que pode mudar de tempos em tempos. Este acordo e a utilização deste website são regidos pelas Leis do Estado da Florida e pelos Estados Unidos da America.

Navegadores Suportados pelo Website do BB Americas Bank

Navegador suportado pelo website do BB Americas Bank:

  • Microsoft Edge (40 ou superior)
  • Firefox (53 ou superior)
  • Google Chrome (58 ou superior e mobile)
  • Safari (11 ou superior e mobile)

O BB Americas Bank recomenda o uso de uma versão atualizada do navegador de sua escolha, suportada por nosso website.

Quanto mais atualizada for a versão de seu navegador de preferência, melhor será a sua experiência em todo o website. Mais funcionalidades estarão operando corretamente, o que quer dizer que você também terá uma versão do navegador equipada com os mais recentes parâmetros de segurança disponibilizados durante a navegação no website do Banco.

Observe que o BB Americas Bank oferece suporte para todos os principais navegadores ao acessar nosso website, no entanto, não fornecemos mais suporte para o Internet Explorer 11.

E o que isso significa para você?

Ao acessar o website do BB Americas Bank enquanto estiver usando o Internet Explorer 11, algumas funcionalidades poderão não operar corretamente e você poderá enfrentar alguns problemas com a aparência do website. Como alternativa para o uso do navegador Internet Explorer 11, o navegador Microsoft Edge está disponível para a versão do Windows 10.

Business - Online Banking Agreement and Disclosure

This Online Banking Agreement and Disclosure (“Agreement”) governs the use of our Online Banking Services (“Online Services”) and serves as the agreement between you and BB Americas Bank. It is important that you read and understand the terms and conditions provided in this Agreement before you accept its terms. Your use of Online Services constitutes your acceptance and agreement to the terms and conditions of this Agreement as well as any other terms made available to you using Online Services. Additionally, your use of any Online Services that we introduce in the future constitutes an acknowledgment and agreement to the terms and conditions associated with those Online Services. Any agreements, amendments, notices, periodic statements, and other communications may be provided to you in electronic format if you have authorized that format of delivery. If you have any questions about this Agreement, contact us prior to acceptance.


1.1 The terms “you,” “your,” “authorized user,” and “account owner” refer to the account owner, authorized signers, or individuals authorized by the account owner to access Online Services. The terms “we,” “us,” and “our” refer to BB Americas Bank, the financial institution.

1.2 “Account” refers to your account(s) with us that you have designated for Online Services access and that we allow to be included u under these Online Services. The type(s) of account that may be designated for Online Services include Consumer and Business deposit accounts, such as Checking, Savings, NOW, Loan, Money Market, and Certificate accounts. You must be an account owner/authorized signer for each account that you designate and each account must permit withdrawal by a single signer.
1.3 “Login Credentials” refers to your username and password that must be used to securely access your account information.

1.4 “Disclosures” refer to any regulatory disclosures provided to you at the time of depository account opening, such as the Truth in Savings Disclosure, Funds Availability Disclosure, Electronic Fund Transfer Disclosure, Privacy Disclosure, Substitute Check Policy Disclosure, as well as any Fee Schedule.

1.5 “Business Day” refers to the financial institution’s hours of operation for the purpose of conducting banking business: Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays.

1.6 “Check Image” refers to the digital image of any check you transmit to us using Remote Deposit Capture.

1.7 “Item” refers to the definition provided in Article 4 of the Uniform Commercial Code: an instrument of a promise or order to pay money handled by a bank for collection or payment. The term does not include a payment order governed by Article 4A or a credit or debit card slip.

1.8 “Check” refers to the definition provided in Regulation CC – Availability of Funds and Collection of Checks: (1) a negotiable demand draft drawn on or payable through or at an office of a bank; (2) a negotiable demand draft drawn on a Federal Reserve Bank or a Federal Home Loan Bank; (3) a negotiable demand draft drawn on the Treasury of the United States; (4) a demand draft drawn on a state government or unit of general local government that is not payable through or at a bank; (5) a United States Postal Service money order; or (6) a traveler’s check drawn on or payable through or at a bank. The term check includes an original check and a substitute check.

1.9 “Original Check” refers to the definition provided in Regulation CC – Availability of Funds and Collection of Checks: the first paper check issued with respect to a particular payment transaction.

1.10 “Substitute Check” refers to the definition provided in Regulation CC – Availability of Funds and Collection of Checks: a paper reproduction of an original check that – (I) contains an image of the front and back of the original check; (2) bears a MICR line that, except as provided under ANS X9. I 00-140, contains all the information appearing on the MICR line of the original check at the time that the original check was issued and any additional information that was encoded on the original check’s MICR line before an image of the original check was captured; (3) conforms in paper stock, dimension, and otherwise with ANS X9. I 00-140; and (4) is suitable for automated processing in the same manner as the original check.

1.11 “Record” refers to a writing created, generated, sent, communicated, received, or stored by electronic means.

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS. Online Services provides you with the convenience and flexibility to perform certain banking transactions and functions for designated Account(s) through internet access on your personal computer or via a wireless handheld device. You must meet the following minimum software and hardware requirements for each device you use to access Online Services:

Supported Browsers and Operating Systems

Microsoft Windows 10 Apple®
Google® Android™ Apple iOS
Microsoft Edge
Google Chrome™
Mozilla® Firefox®
Apple Safari®

If you decide not to maintain such hardware and software, you may cancel Online Services at any time.

ACCOUNT ACCESS. You may access your Account(s) at BB Americas Bank website, www.bbamericas.com. You must follow necessary instructions and create your Login Credentials before gaining access to Online Services. We may also utilize identifying information to confirm your identity. Your Login Credentials are used to gain Online Services and should be kept confidential at all times. It is recommended that you change your Login Credentials through Online Services, or with the assistance of our Client Support Service, as allowed by our security requirements. There may be additional or optional security measures instituted by us to ensure the security of Online Services.

USE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION. If you open an account or obtain a product or service from us using our online or mobile services, we may record your personal information from a scan or a copy of your driver’s license or other personal identification card, or we may receive an image or make a copy of your driver’s license or other personal identification card. We may store or retain this information to the extent permitted by law.

ACCOUNT LIABILITY FOR UNAUTHORIZED ONLINE ACCOUNT USE. Subject to federal and state law and the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you are liable for any transaction or function performed using Online Services, whether made by yourself or someone authorized or someone unauthorized by you using your Login Credentials. You agree to take all reasonable measures to protect the security of your Login Credentials.

Please refer to the Consumer Liability section of your Electronic Fund Transfer Disclosure for our liability policy. As a precaution, we recommend that you do not send emails or other electronic messages containing confidential Account information. You agree to not leave any device unattended while logged into Online Services, and you should never share your Login Credentials with us or anyone else. You understand that we are entitled to act upon any instructions received under your Login Credentials; therefore, you agree to guard and protect your Login Credentials to ensure the security and protection of your Account(s).

If you have any concerns or suspicions that an unauthorized person has gained access to your Account through Online Services, we recommend that you change your Login Credentials, if possible and notify us immediately. Our contact information for security issues related to your use of Online Services is provided below.

BB Americas Bank
Digital Channels
1221 Brickell Ave – Suite 2200, Miami FL, 33131

1-855-377-2555 (USA), 0800-881-1448 (Brazil – other cities), 4003-1448 (Brazil – Major cities & capitals), (305)-350-1100 (Other Countries)


TRANSACTIONS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE SERVICES. The transactions and functions available through Online Services may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Transfer of funds between your Accounts.
  2. Transfer of funds between your own Accounts on a recurring basis.
  3. External account to your own account at another U.S. Financial Institution. Available options: one time and/or on a recurring basis.
  4. External account to unowned account at another U.S. Financial Institution. Available options: one time and/or on a recurring basis.
  5. Domestic and International Wire Transfers. Available options: one time and/or on a recurring basis.
  6. Balance inquiry on each Account.
  7. Request or retrieve a copy of a paid check, paid share draft, or past statement on the Account.
  8. Re-order checks for your Account(s), as applicable.
  9. Loan Payments.
  10. ACH Payments.
  11. Change the Account(s) and Access Information for Online Services.
  12. Change and update of Contact Information (Telephone and E-mail).
  13. Conduct secure email communication with us regarding Online Services.
  14. The use of our Bill Pay Services.
  15. The use of Remote Deposit Capture (“RDC”) services.
  16. The use of Mobile Banking services.
  17. Other: Other 1

The above transaction and function capabilities may be available, either all or in part, depending on the Account, customer type, or other Online Services limitations. We reserve the right to restrict the use of Online Services for any account type or to impose any other limitation or restriction on the use of Online Services.

TRANSACTION LIMITATIONS. The maximum dollar amount that we permit for

  1. External Transfer: A one-time and/or recurring transfer is $3,000.00 Daily Limit | $10,000.00 Monthly Limit.
  2. Wire Transfers: No limit for a one-time and/or recurring transfers. Transactions above $50,000 will require an additional call back validation to be performed by the Bank.

We reserve the right to amend these limits and may refuse to process any transfer request that exceeds them.

ONLINE TRANSACTION FUNDING. In order for us to process an Online Services transfer request, the Account that you have designated for the debit must have sufficient funds to cover the transfer, including any overdraft protection plan coverage and the funds must be considered available as described in our Funds Availability Policy. Please refer to your Disclosures for any non-sufficient funds fee or other fee(s) that may be assessed. We are under no obligation to you when we have been unable to complete a transfer request due to insufficient or unavailable funds, or due to other circumstances out of our control, such as a system or power failure. If we are consistently unable to complete the requested transfer due to insufficient funds in the designated debit Account, then we reserve the right to cancel the transfer request and to review your Online Services privileges. If you have opted in to overdraft services, please refer to your account opening Disclosures for any overdraft services policies related to funding your accounts and any overdraft fees.

EFFECTIVE TIMING OF TRANSACTIONS. Online Services are available at any time or day, unless the system is undergoing maintenance. The posting of Online transactions before 4pm on a Business Day will post the same day and will be included in the available funds for the receiving Account. Transfers requested after 4pm on a Business Day or requested on a non-Business Day will post on the following Business Day to the receiving Account and will be considered available funds on that day.

The posting of Wire Transfer transactions (Domestic or International) before 2pm on a Business Day will post the same day and will be included in the available funds for the receiving Account. Transfers requested after 2pm on a Business Day or requested on a non-Business Day will post on the following Business Day to the receiving Account and will be considered available funds on that day.

CANCELING A TRANSFER. A one-time transfer is immediate and cannot be canceled. The deadline for canceling a recurring transfer request is 4 days prior to the effective date. If you have any questions or problems canceling the transfer, please contact us.

COST OF SERVICE. Account transaction fees as stated in any Disclosures and Fee Schedule provided to you remain in effect and are not eliminated or changed with the use of Online Services. You have sole responsibility for any service fees you incur from your telephone, internet, or wireless service providers. When signing up for Online Services, a separate schedule of fees and charges specific to these Online Services will be provided.

BILL PAY SERVICES. You can access Bill Pay Services in the same manner that you access other Online Services by using your Login Credentials and meeting any other security measures that we may institute. You must indicate the Account that is to be considered the designated Account to be debited for your bill-paying activities. If using a money market account or savings account, be aware that the number of transactions allowed is limited by federal regulation-see the Transaction Limitations provision of this Agreement. There is a $5.00 minimum and a $9,999.99 maximum dollar amount that is permitted for payments using our Bill Pay Services.

In order to pay bills, you will need to create a list of payees, providing the information required to log and submit your payments accurately. We require at least 30 days as set-up time for Checks and online payments through Bill Pay Services. If you fail to take into account our required set-up time and the payment is received by the payee after the due date, we are not responsible for any late charges or other actions that may be taken by the payee due to the late payment. Please make other payment arrangements for the payment that is due and set-up the next payment to that payee through Bill Pay Services.

We assume responsibility for all reasonable efforts to process your payments through Bill Pay Services in a timely and accurate manner. We accept no liability for any damages you may incur due to insufficient or unavailable funds in the designated Account that may adversely affect payment processing, any inaccuracies in the payee information supplied in regards to this payment, any mishandling or delay in posting by the payee or the payee’s financial institution of account, or any system or postal delays or interruptions or any other circumstances out of our control, to the extent allowed by state and federal law and the provisions of this Agreement. Contact us immediately if you suspect any security breach of your Login Credentials or any unauthorized activity using Bill Pay Service.

CANCELLING BILL PAY SERVICES. You may cancel Bill Pay Services at any time through the Online Baking or by contacting us via phone or in any other form or manner acceptable to us. When not canceling in writing or in a Record to us, we may require a Record or writing confirming the Bill Pay Services cancelation. Be aware of any outstanding payments and make arrangements for future payments to the payees. When deleting specific payees only, you may individually delete that payee and retain the Bill Pay Services for any remaining payees.

REMOTE DEPOSIT CAPTURE (“RDC”). RDC services allow you to make deposits to your Account from remote locations by electronically transmitting digital images of your original paper checks, which are drawn on or payable through United States financial institutions in United States dollars to us. The Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act and Regulation CC govern the use of RDC services and have enabled financial institutions to accept Substitute Checks, which are the legal equivalent to Original Checks for all purposes.

RDC FEES AND CHARGES. Any and all fees and charges associated with your Accounts remain in effect when accessing and using RDC services. You understand that standard data charges and messaging rates imposed by your wireless service provider may apply and that these rates and charges are your sole responsibility. Please contact your service provider for additional information.

ELIGIBILITY OF ITEMS. You may only submit Items for deposit that are within the dollar limits established for you. We reserve the right to limit the dollar amount and frequency of deposits made through RDC services by you, and we may raise or lower your dollar limit in the future at our sole discretion at any time. You agree that we are not obligated to accept any Check Image that we determine to be ineligible and you agree to deposit only Checks as defined by section 1.8 in the DEFINITIONS section of this Agreement. You acknowledge that ineligible Items include, but are not limited to, the following: ACH payments or wire transfers, Items drawn on banks located outside of the United States, cash, illegible Items, incomplete Items, Items which are altered in any way, any Check that has previously been converted to a Substitute Check, any Item that contains indecipherable magnetic ink character recognition (“MICR”) data, any Check originally made payable to a party other than you and any stale or post-dated Items.

PROCESSING REQUIREMENTS. You agree you will not alter any Original Check or Check Image under any circumstance and you warrant that all Original Checks are authorized for the amount stated on the Check by the person who created the Check. At the time of presentment to you by drawer, any Checks that you initiate for deposit must contain all necessary information on the front and back of the Check, including all endorsements, the identity of the drawer and paying bank that is preprinted on the Check, and the image quality must be in compliance with the minimum requirements established by the American National Standards Institute (“ANSI”). Determination of image quality compliance is in our sole discretion and any Check may be rejected if it does not meet this criterion. You also agree that all Check Images you submit for deposit through RDC services will not contain any viruses or other potentially harmful attributes.

ACCEPTANCE OF ITEMS. We are not responsible for any Items, which we do not receive. Items received will each be reviewed for acceptability and any accepted Item will be converted into a Substitute Check. You agree that electronic conveyance of a Check does not equate to receipt of the Check. You agree that a notice confirming receipt of your deposit does not mean the Item is error-free or that it will not be rejected upon further review. If we do reject an Item for any reason, we will provide you with a notice of rejection; however, we will not be liable for loss suffered as a result of the rejected Item. We will also provide you with a notice if your deposited Item is dishonored, in which case you permit us to debit such amount from your account. You may confirm receipt of all deposited Items by viewing your account statements or by contacting us.

RETENTION AND DISPOSAL OF CHECKS. You agree to securely preserve and protect each Original Check for a period of 15 days and during this period you agree to provide any Original Check to us upon request. Once you have obtained confirmation from us that we have received an Item, you agree to indicate its presentment via electronic means directly on the Original Check. You agree you will not deposit or submit any Original Check, which you have already submitted or deposited electronically into an account you own with us or at any other financial institution. At the expiration of the 15-day period, you will destroy each Original Check in its entirety to ensure it is not presented for payment again. You understand that any misuse of a Check Image after presentment to us is your responsibility and you will be solely liable for any resulting loss.

MOBILE BANKING. Mobile Banking services refers to all financial services made available to you and which you may access through the use of a wireless handheld device or mobile phone, including but not limited to, viewing account balances, remote deposit capture, and text message banking.

ACCESSIBILITY AND LIABILITY. Our Mobile Banking services are designed to be available 24 hours each day, 7 days per week. We do not warrant that Mobile Banking services will always function properly or that disruption or suspension of Mobile Banking services will not occur. You agree that we will not be liable for any loss, costs, damages, or expenses resulting from the interruption of Mobile Banking services. You also agree that these Mobile Banking services are separate from any services provided by your wireless service provider. Your wireless provider is responsible for any issues involving your handheld device, your internet access, or any other of its services and products you use to access Mobile Banking services. Standard data and messaging rates, short message service (SMS) fees, and other charges from your wireless provider apply when utilizing Mobile Banking services.

MOBILE DEVICES. You are responsible for providing and maintaining your own wireless handheld device and for ensuring that it is compatible with Mobile Banking services. We are not responsible for any problems you may experience with your equipment or for any damage to your device from the use of Mobile Banking services. You understand that wireless devices may be subject to viruses, and we are not responsible for ensuring your device is protected from these viruses.

TRANSACTION LIMITS. You acknowledge that we may limit the number and frequency of transactions conducted through Mobile Banking services and that we may also place limits on transaction and transfer amounts in our sole discretion.

YOUR LIABILITY. You are responsible for the activity performed through Online Services using your Login Credentials, including any activity performed by others who use your Login Credentials whether or not authorized by you. You also agree to review your Account activity online, through periodic statements or through the use of any other application. If you have any questions or concerns about any Online Services activity, you should contact us immediately.

You acknowledge that you do not own or have any proprietary rights to Online Services and any unauthorized reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. You agree not to use Online Services to conduct any activity that is illicit or illegal. You agree to comply with all applicable federal and state laws, NACHA Operating Rules, the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and any other Account Agreement or Disclosure by reference, in regards to these Online Services and any transaction or functions performed using these Online Services. In the event of a conflict between this Agreement and any other Disclosure or Agreement provided, the Account Agreement will take precedence over this Agreement.

OUR LIABILITY. We are responsible for taking all reasonable measures to ensure that Online Services are available and functioning optimally, reserving the right to temporarily remove Online Services from access for maintenance or upgrades. We also accept responsibility to process any function or transaction requested by you through Online Services in a timely manner when submitted within the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

The hardware and software specifications for these Online Services are located in the System Requirements section above. We accept no responsibility, and you agree to hold us harmless for any delay or inaccuracy of any transaction or function information due to an interruption or loss of communications in the service provided by your web browser, wireless provider, or your system hardware or software, to the extent allowed by state and federal law. We also accept no responsibility, and you agree to hold us harmless for any system virus or other system problem attributable to Online Services or to your internet or wireless service provider.

CANCELING SERVICE. You may cancel any or all of these Online Services at any time by contacting us at the contact information provided above. Upon cancelation, you agree to immediately discontinue any use of our Online Services, and you agree to remain liable for all transactions performed on your Accounts. We reserve the right to refuse your application for Online Services if your Accounts are not in good standing, and to suspend, restrict, or cancel your authorization to use Online Services at any time, at our discretion. We will take reasonable measures to reach you concerning the Online Service cancellation, but are under no obligation to provide you such notice. If Online Services are reinstated, this Agreement will remain in effect.

GOVERNING LAW. The terms and conditions of this Agreement are subject to and governed by the laws of the state in which the account was opened and federal law. The Accounts designated for access through Online Services continue to be governed under this Agreement and the Disclosures provided to you for each Account. We will notify you of any changes as required by law.

SEVERABILITY. Whenever possible, each provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be prohibited by or invalid under applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective only to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity, without invalidating the remainder of such provision or the remaining provisions of this Agreement.

ASSIGNABILITY. We may assign our rights and duties under this Agreement to an affiliate or successor. You may not assign your right and duties under this Agreement at any time.

NO WAIVER. You understand and agree that no delay or failure on our part to exercise any right, remedy, power, or privilege under this Agreement shall effect or preclude our future exercise of that right, remedy, power, or privilege.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT. By electronically accepting this agreement, you acknowledge that you have received, read, and understand the Online Banking Agreement and Disclosure and consent to all of the terms and conditions contained above.

Rev. 08/2024

Personal - Online Banking Agreement and Disclosure

This Online Banking Agreement and Disclosure (“Agreement”) governs the use of our Online Banking Services (“Online Services”) and serves as the agreement between you and BB Americas Bank. It is important that you read and understand the terms and conditions provided in this Agreement before you accept its terms. Your use of Online Services constitutes your acceptance and agreement to the terms and conditions of this Agreement as well as any other terms made available to you using Online Services. Additionally, your use of any Online Services that we introduce in the future constitutes an acknowledgment and agreement to the terms and conditions associated with those Online Services. Any agreements, amendments, notices, periodic statements, and other communications may be provided to you in electronic format if you have authorized that format of delivery. If you have any questions about this Agreement, contact us prior to acceptance.


1.1 The terms “you,” “your,” “authorized user,” and “account owner” refer to the account owner, authorized signers, or individuals authorized by the account owner to access Online Services. The terms “we,” “us,” and “our” refer to BB Americas Bank, the financial institution.

1.2 “Account” refers to your account(s) with us that you have designated for Online Services access and that we allow to be included u under these Online Services. The type(s) of account that may be designated for Online Services include Consumer and Business deposit accounts, such as Checking, Savings, NOW, Loan, Money Market, and Certificate accounts. You must be an account owner/authorized signer for each account that you designate and each account must permit withdrawal by a single signer.
1.3 “Login Credentials” refers to your username and password that must be used to securely access your account information.

1.4 “Disclosures” refer to any regulatory disclosures provided to you at the time of depository account opening, such as the Truth in Savings Disclosure, Funds Availability Disclosure, Electronic Fund Transfer Disclosure, Privacy Disclosure, Substitute Check Policy Disclosure, as well as any Fee Schedule.

1.5 “Business Day” refers to the financial institution’s hours of operation for the purpose of conducting banking business: Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays.

1.6 “Check Image” refers to the digital image of any check you transmit to us using Remote Deposit Capture.

1.7 “Item” refers to the definition provided in Article 4 of the Uniform Commercial Code: an instrument of a promise or order to pay money handled by a bank for collection or payment. The term does not include a payment order governed by Article 4A or a credit or debit card slip.

1.8 “Check” refers to the definition provided in Regulation CC – Availability of Funds and Collection of Checks: (1) a negotiable demand draft drawn on or payable through or at an office of a bank; (2) a negotiable demand draft drawn on a Federal Reserve Bank or a Federal Home Loan Bank; (3) a negotiable demand draft drawn on the Treasury of the United States; (4) a demand draft drawn on a state government or unit of general local government that is not payable through or at a bank; (5) a United States Postal Service money order; or (6) a traveler’s check drawn on or payable through or at a bank. The term check includes an original check and a substitute check.

1.9 “Original Check” refers to the definition provided in Regulation CC – Availability of Funds and Collection of Checks: the first paper check issued with respect to a particular payment transaction.

1.10 “Substitute Check” refers to the definition provided in Regulation CC – Availability of Funds and Collection of Checks: a paper reproduction of an original check that – (I) contains an image of the front and back of the original check; (2) bears a MICR line that, except as provided under ANS X9. I 00-140, contains all the information appearing on the MICR line of the original check at the time that the original check was issued and any additional information that was encoded on the original check’s MICR line before an image of the original check was captured; (3) conforms in paper stock, dimension, and otherwise with ANS X9. I 00-140; and (4) is suitable for automated processing in the same manner as the original check.

1.11 “Record” refers to a writing created, generated, sent, communicated, received, or stored by electronic means.

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS. Online Services provides you with the convenience and flexibility to perform certain banking transactions and functions for designated Account(s) through internet access on your personal computer or via a wireless handheld device. You must meet the following minimum software and hardware requirements for each device you use to access Online Services:

Supported Browsers and Operating Systems

Microsoft Windows 10 Apple®
Google® Android™ Apple iOS
Microsoft Edge
Google Chrome™
Mozilla® Firefox®
Apple Safari®

If you decide not to maintain such hardware and software, you may cancel Online Services at any time.

ACCOUNT ACCESS. You may access your Account(s) at BB Americas Bank website, www.bbamericas.com. You must follow necessary instructions and create your Login Credentials before gaining access to Online Services. We may also utilize identifying information to confirm your identity. Your Login Credentials are used to gain Online Services and should be kept confidential at all times. It is recommended that you change your Login Credentials through Online Services, or with the assistance of our Client Support Service, as allowed by our security requirements. There may be additional or optional security measures instituted by us to ensure the security of Online Services.

USE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION. If you open an account or obtain a product or service from us using our online or mobile services, we may record your personal information from a scan or a copy of your driver’s license or other personal identification card, or we may receive an image or make a copy of your driver’s license or other personal identification card. We may store or retain this information to the extent permitted by law.

ACCOUNT LIABILITY FOR UNAUTHORIZED ONLINE ACCOUNT USE. Subject to federal and state law and the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you are liable for any transaction or function performed using Online Services, whether made by yourself or someone authorized or someone unauthorized by you using your Login Credentials. You agree to take all reasonable measures to protect the security of your Login Credentials.

Please refer to the Consumer Liability section of your Electronic Fund Transfer Disclosure for our liability policy. As a precaution, we recommend that you do not send emails or other electronic messages containing confidential Account information. You agree to not leave any device unattended while logged into Online Services, and you should never share your Login Credentials with us or anyone else. You understand that we are entitled to act upon any instructions received under your Login Credentials; therefore, you agree to guard and protect your Login Credentials to ensure the security and protection of your Account(s).

If you have any concerns or suspicions that an unauthorized person has gained access to your Account through Online Services, we recommend that you change your Login Credentials, if possible and notify us immediately. Our contact information for security issues related to your use of Online Services is provided below.

BB Americas Bank
Digital Channels
1221 Brickell Ave – Suite 2200, Miami FL, 33131

1-855-377-2555 (USA), 0800-881-1448 (Brazil – other cities), 4003-1448 (Brazil – Major cities & capitals), (305)-350-1100 (Other Countries)


TRANSACTIONS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE SERVICES. The transactions and functions available through Online Services may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Transfer of funds between your Accounts.
  2. Transfer of funds between your own Accounts on a recurring basis.
  3. External account to your own account at another U.S. Financial Institution. Available options: one time and/or on a recurring basis.
  4. External account to unowned account at another U.S. Financial Institution. Available options: one time and/or on a recurring basis.
  5. Domestic and International Wire Transfers. Available options: one time and/or on a recurring basis.
  6. Balance inquiry on each Account.
  7. Request or retrieve a copy of a paid check, paid share draft, or past statement on the Account.
  8. Re-order checks for your Account(s), as applicable.
  9. Loan Payments.
  10. ACH Payments.
  11. Change the Account(s) and Access Information for Online Services.
  12. Change and update of Contact Information (Telephone and E-mail).
  13. Conduct secure email communication with us regarding Online Services.
  14. The use of our Bill Pay Services.
  15. The use of Remote Deposit Capture (“RDC”) services.
  16. The use of Mobile Banking services.
  17. Other: Other 1

The above transaction and function capabilities may be available, either all or in part, depending on the Account, customer type, or other Online Services limitations. We reserve the right to restrict the use of Online Services for any account type or to impose any other limitation or restriction on the use of Online Services.

TRANSACTION LIMITATIONS. The maximum dollar amount that we permit for

  1. External Transfer: A one-time and/or recurring transfer is $3,000.00 Daily Limit | $10,000.00 Monthly Limit.
  2. Wire Transfers: No limit for a one-time and/or recurring transfers. Transactions above $50,000 will require an additional call back validation to be performed by the Bank.

We reserve the right to amend these limits and may refuse to process any transfer request that exceeds them.

ONLINE TRANSACTION FUNDING. In order for us to process an Online Services transfer request, the Account that you have designated for the debit must have sufficient funds to cover the transfer, including any overdraft protection plan coverage and the funds must be considered available as described in our Funds Availability Policy. Please refer to your Disclosures for any non-sufficient funds fee or other fee(s) that may be assessed. We are under no obligation to you when we have been unable to complete a transfer request due to insufficient or unavailable funds, or due to other circumstances out of our control, such as a system or power failure. If we are consistently unable to complete the requested transfer due to insufficient funds in the designated debit Account, then we reserve the right to cancel the transfer request and to review your Online Services privileges. If you have opted in to overdraft services, please refer to your account opening Disclosures for any overdraft services policies related to funding your accounts and any overdraft fees.

EFFECTIVE TIMING OF TRANSACTIONS. Online Services are available at any time or day, unless the system is undergoing maintenance. The posting of Online transactions before 4pm on a Business Day will post the same day and will be included in the available funds for the receiving Account. Transfers requested after 4pm on a Business Day or requested on a non-Business Day will post on the following Business Day to the receiving Account and will be considered available funds on that day.

The posting of Wire Transfer transactions (Domestic or International) before 2pm on a Business Day will post the same day and will be included in the available funds for the receiving Account. Transfers requested after 2pm on a Business Day or requested on a non-Business Day will post on the following Business Day to the receiving Account and will be considered available funds on that day.

CANCELING A TRANSFER. A one-time transfer is immediate and cannot be canceled. The deadline for canceling a recurring transfer request is 4 days prior to the effective date. If you have any questions or problems canceling the transfer, please contact us.

COST OF SERVICE. Account transaction fees as stated in any Disclosures and Fee Schedule provided to you remain in effect and are not eliminated or changed with the use of Online Services. You have sole responsibility for any service fees you incur from your telephone, internet, or wireless service providers. When signing up for Online Services, a separate schedule of fees and charges specific to these Online Services will be provided.

BILL PAY SERVICES. You can access Bill Pay Services in the same manner that you access other Online Services by using your Login Credentials and meeting any other security measures that we may institute. You must indicate the Account that is to be considered the designated Account to be debited for your bill-paying activities. If using a money market account or savings account, be aware that the number of transactions allowed is limited by federal regulation-see the Transaction Limitations provision of this Agreement. There is a $5.00 minimum and a $9,999.99 maximum dollar amount that is permitted for payments using our Bill Pay Services.

In order to pay bills, you will need to create a list of payees, providing the information required to log and submit your payments accurately. We require at least 30 days as set-up time for Checks and online payments through Bill Pay Services. If you fail to take into account our required set-up time and the payment is received by the payee after the due date, we are not responsible for any late charges or other actions that may be taken by the payee due to the late payment. Please make other payment arrangements for the payment that is due and set-up the next payment to that payee through Bill Pay Services.

We assume responsibility for all reasonable efforts to process your payments through Bill Pay Services in a timely and accurate manner. We accept no liability for any damages you may incur due to insufficient or unavailable funds in the designated Account that may adversely affect payment processing, any inaccuracies in the payee information supplied in regards to this payment, any mishandling or delay in posting by the payee or the payee’s financial institution of account, or any system or postal delays or interruptions or any other circumstances out of our control, to the extent allowed by state and federal law and the provisions of this Agreement. Contact us immediately if you suspect any security breach of your Login Credentials or any unauthorized activity using Bill Pay Service.

CANCELLING BILL PAY SERVICES. You may cancel Bill Pay Services at any time through the Online Baking or by contacting us via phone or in any other form or manner acceptable to us. When not canceling in writing or in a Record to us, we may require a Record or writing confirming the Bill Pay Services cancelation. Be aware of any outstanding payments and make arrangements for future payments to the payees. When deleting specific payees only, you may individually delete that payee and retain the Bill Pay Services for any remaining payees.

REMOTE DEPOSIT CAPTURE (“RDC”). RDC services allow you to make deposits to your Account from remote locations by electronically transmitting digital images of your original paper checks, which are drawn on or payable through United States financial institutions in United States dollars to us. The Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act and Regulation CC govern the use of RDC services and have enabled financial institutions to accept Substitute Checks, which are the legal equivalent to Original Checks for all purposes.

RDC FEES AND CHARGES. Any and all fees and charges associated with your Accounts remain in effect when accessing and using RDC services. You understand that standard data charges and messaging rates imposed by your wireless service provider may apply and that these rates and charges are your sole responsibility. Please contact your service provider for additional information.

ELIGIBILITY OF ITEMS. You may only submit Items for deposit that are within the dollar limits established for you. We reserve the right to limit the dollar amount and frequency of deposits made through RDC services by you, and we may raise or lower your dollar limit in the future at our sole discretion at any time. You agree that we are not obligated to accept any Check Image that we determine to be ineligible and you agree to deposit only Checks as defined by section 1.8 in the DEFINITIONS section of this Agreement. You acknowledge that ineligible Items include, but are not limited to, the following: ACH payments or wire transfers, Items drawn on banks located outside of the United States, cash, illegible Items, incomplete Items, Items which are altered in any way, any Check that has previously been converted to a Substitute Check, any Item that contains indecipherable magnetic ink character recognition (“MICR”) data, any Check originally made payable to a party other than you and any stale or post-dated Items.

PROCESSING REQUIREMENTS. You agree you will not alter any Original Check or Check Image under any circumstance and you warrant that all Original Checks are authorized for the amount stated on the Check by the person who created the Check. At the time of presentment to you by drawer, any Checks that you initiate for deposit must contain all necessary information on the front and back of the Check, including all endorsements, the identity of the drawer and paying bank that is preprinted on the Check, and the image quality must be in compliance with the minimum requirements established by the American National Standards Institute (“ANSI”). Determination of image quality compliance is in our sole discretion and any Check may be rejected if it does not meet this criterion. You also agree that all Check Images you submit for deposit through RDC services will not contain any viruses or other potentially harmful attributes.

ACCEPTANCE OF ITEMS. We are not responsible for any Items, which we do not receive. Items received will each be reviewed for acceptability and any accepted Item will be converted into a Substitute Check. You agree that electronic conveyance of a Check does not equate to receipt of the Check. You agree that a notice confirming receipt of your deposit does not mean the Item is error-free or that it will not be rejected upon further review. If we do reject an Item for any reason, we will provide you with a notice of rejection; however, we will not be liable for loss suffered as a result of the rejected Item. We will also provide you with a notice if your deposited Item is dishonored, in which case you permit us to debit such amount from your account. You may confirm receipt of all deposited Items by viewing your account statements or by contacting us.

RETENTION AND DISPOSAL OF CHECKS. You agree to securely preserve and protect each Original Check for a period of 15 days and during this period you agree to provide any Original Check to us upon request. Once you have obtained confirmation from us that we have received an Item, you agree to indicate its presentment via electronic means directly on the Original Check. You agree you will not deposit or submit any Original Check, which you have already submitted or deposited electronically into an account you own with us or at any other financial institution. At the expiration of the 15-day period, you will destroy each Original Check in its entirety to ensure it is not presented for payment again. You understand that any misuse of a Check Image after presentment to us is your responsibility and you will be solely liable for any resulting loss.

MOBILE BANKING. Mobile Banking services refers to all financial services made available to you and which you may access through the use of a wireless handheld device or mobile phone, including but not limited to, viewing account balances, remote deposit capture, and text message banking.

ACCESSIBILITY AND LIABILITY. Our Mobile Banking services are designed to be available 24 hours each day, 7 days per week. We do not warrant that Mobile Banking services will always function properly or that disruption or suspension of Mobile Banking services will not occur. You agree that we will not be liable for any loss, costs, damages, or expenses resulting from the interruption of Mobile Banking services. You also agree that these Mobile Banking services are separate from any services provided by your wireless service provider. Your wireless provider is responsible for any issues involving your handheld device, your internet access, or any other of its services and products you use to access Mobile Banking services. Standard data and messaging rates, short message service (SMS) fees, and other charges from your wireless provider apply when utilizing Mobile Banking services.

MOBILE DEVICES. You are responsible for providing and maintaining your own wireless handheld device and for ensuring that it is compatible with Mobile Banking services. We are not responsible for any problems you may experience with your equipment or for any damage to your device from the use of Mobile Banking services. You understand that wireless devices may be subject to viruses, and we are not responsible for ensuring your device is protected from these viruses.

TRANSACTION LIMITS. You acknowledge that we may limit the number and frequency of transactions conducted through Mobile Banking services and that we may also place limits on transaction and transfer amounts in our sole discretion.

YOUR LIABILITY. You are responsible for the activity performed through Online Services using your Login Credentials, including any activity performed by others who use your Login Credentials whether or not authorized by you. You also agree to review your Account activity online, through periodic statements or through the use of any other application. If you have any questions or concerns about any Online Services activity, you should contact us immediately.

You acknowledge that you do not own or have any proprietary rights to Online Services and any unauthorized reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. You agree not to use Online Services to conduct any activity that is illicit or illegal. You agree to comply with all applicable federal and state laws, NACHA Operating Rules, the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and any other Account Agreement or Disclosure by reference, in regards to these Online Services and any transaction or functions performed using these Online Services. In the event of a conflict between this Agreement and any other Disclosure or Agreement provided, the Account Agreement will take precedence over this Agreement.

OUR LIABILITY. We are responsible for taking all reasonable measures to ensure that Online Services are available and functioning optimally, reserving the right to temporarily remove Online Services from access for maintenance or upgrades. We also accept responsibility to process any function or transaction requested by you through Online Services in a timely manner when submitted within the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

The hardware and software specifications for these Online Services are located in the System Requirements section above. We accept no responsibility, and you agree to hold us harmless for any delay or inaccuracy of any transaction or function information due to an interruption or loss of communications in the service provided by your web browser, wireless provider, or your system hardware or software, to the extent allowed by state and federal law. We also accept no responsibility, and you agree to hold us harmless for any system virus or other system problem attributable to Online Services or to your internet or wireless service provider.

CANCELING SERVICE. You may cancel any or all of these Online Services at any time by contacting us at the contact information provided above. Upon cancelation, you agree to immediately discontinue any use of our Online Services, and you agree to remain liable for all transactions performed on your Accounts. We reserve the right to refuse your application for Online Services if your Accounts are not in good standing, and to suspend, restrict, or cancel your authorization to use Online Services at any time, at our discretion. We will take reasonable measures to reach you concerning the Online Service cancellation, but are under no obligation to provide you such notice. If Online Services are reinstated, this Agreement will remain in effect.

GOVERNING LAW. The terms and conditions of this Agreement are subject to and governed by the laws of the state in which the account was opened and federal law. The Accounts designated for access through Online Services continue to be governed under this Agreement and the Disclosures provided to you for each Account. We will notify you of any changes as required by law.

SEVERABILITY. Whenever possible, each provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be prohibited by or invalid under applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective only to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity, without invalidating the remainder of such provision or the remaining provisions of this Agreement.

ASSIGNABILITY. We may assign our rights and duties under this Agreement to an affiliate or successor. You may not assign your right and duties under this Agreement at any time.

NO WAIVER. You understand and agree that no delay or failure on our part to exercise any right, remedy, power, or privilege under this Agreement shall effect or preclude our future exercise of that right, remedy, power, or privilege.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT. By electronically accepting this agreement, you acknowledge that you have received, read, and understand the Online Banking Agreement and Disclosure and consent to all of the terms and conditions contained above.

Rev. 08/2024